I forsee the latter..
Anyway, Im always curious of this..What is your characters name? And who are your alts?
Thus answering that oh so annoying question of - "Who the hell are you?"
Anyway i shall start us off.. (with a little history too

I am demeiz, The kender, T'was my first character when i started 4 years ago, And i plan to keep using him, cause he has a special place in my heart.
(Most people seem to know me as genericdwarf, As he has been my most succesful character)
Alts: Sirdemeiz, Eden, Generic, Genericdwarf, Genericelf, Generic, CapnHands, Newplayer, Quinn, Bigun, Lilun, GenericILL, daggerz, storex, porky, eldrad, Blithen, Quendya, arsenal, astartes, sickness,beardy
Phew..i think thats all of them, Anyway y'all get posting now, y'hear?