Ongoing Quests:
Stars: The Great BR Writing Quest
Mon Nov 17 16:39:02 2003
To: all
Hey, don't forget about the writing quest. You still have plenty
of time to submit any entries. Remember, you may submit one poem and
one short story. The deadline is December 21st, so there is some
time left. Make sure you send all your entries to Bluestar. You can
find her email address in her "profile". Have fun, and I look
forward to reading your work.

Bluestar: The Great BR Writing Quest Again

Tue Nov 18 13:43:02 2003
To: all
Just a quick note to add onto what Stars said

We've already gotten some great entries, however, the more we get, the better the prize will be
(And it's already pretty good, so I can't wait to see what it will be!)
*SO* make sure you send us your entries! We can't wait to read your work.
And remember, send em to me at

oh yeah, and make sure they go with the sci-fi/fantasy theme and have FUN with it

Tgames update
Disaster: vote off this week
well, we had 4 votes for batman and one for thentia, so batman is
off thanks for playing, you know the rules, etc.. -dis
Everybody: another quest to keep you busy
Tue Nov 18 21:48:58 2003
To: all
It's an exploration quest, this time to find "easter egg" rooms.
To give you an idea of what I'm talking about, it's rooms that aren't immediately
noticeable, either because there're closed, unmentioned doors in the way, or because there's
no way to walk into them (have to teleport, bamf, etc.) - this, of course, makes
the quest somewhat dangerous to you, as mortals, but you'll have to deal with that.

Alright, rules: to submit a room for consideration, you have to send me a way to get its vnum -
either an item or mob that repops in the room, or by asking an imm to tell you the vnum of the room.
Both heroes and mortals can play. Only the first person to report a room (or group of rooms) gets
credit for it. Pet shop storerooms do not count, but I'll keep track of them as a bonus.
Rooms found in any area I built do not count, neither do purely building-specific rooms
(mob chutes, etc.). I reserve the right to count or not count any room submitted based on my judgement.
(i.e. extremely well-known rooms don't count - that's where the judgement call comes in.)
Any case, happy hunting.
Leiland: HERITAGE QUEST! (aka: i r dumb)
Wed Nov 19 23:32:57 2003
To: all
OK, well... Lairian and I were going to run the elf heritage quest
last Saturday... I must apologize profusely to all that showed up
expecting to play... though I highly doubt there were many... The
fault is mine, I double-booked myself on Saturday, and completely
forgot about my prior commitment. As a result, the Elf Heritage
Quest will take place this Saturday, assuming we have players. I
sincerely hope this is the last time we'll have to postpone, and it
it's not... I'm really really sorry.
Now, for all of you who don't know what the Elf Heritage Quest is...
It is part 6 of a larger, 7-part quest, known as the Heritage Quests.
Each race gets their own Heritage Quest, and no player may participate
in more than one race's quest (sorry to anyone who played in one of the others).
The premise is that this is a role-playing, puzzle quest. There is no killing.
All participating elves should be... probably above level 6 or 7.
Other than that, level will not matter.
Come on out this Saturday, 5pm System Time, and quest with us!
DevilsAngel: Dev's Imm story quest
Thu Nov 20 18:53:54 2003
To: all
Well guys the quest has ended. Thank you all who participated.
The deadline was the 19th at midnight.
I have to judge them still so bear with me. Winners will be announced soon.
The grand prize winning story will be the imm story posted for me on our Br website.
Thanks again to all participants. Now the hard part begins for me.....
*bounces around* Dev
Lehua: a scroll of restore mana would be cool...
Lehua: how about a repop vending machine in each area... cost 50k gold to force repop in that area

Lehua: mobile recall day will be a day when recall shifts from town to town every hour
Exo: we should have a command like visible or land that turns off pass door, make it like, solidify, or unphase
Redeemer: there should be rooms (traprooms) that would take off hp b y walking into it.. ie falling off the cliff
Indy: Enflame armor? elves and druids and heros only...on magical stuff only
Kitsune: Elves and Druids often have trouble finding flaming eq. So, I suggest an "enflame object" type spell. but, to keep it's power inline, make it like taint so that it destroys the eq after a while. Just a thought! -Kit
These characters need to contact me or log on their characters this week:
Alathar, Arislan, Avispa, Bozz, Busta, Cristobol, Errol, Esp, Galag, Izlude, Kriswin, Logo, Lugar, Medagar, Mimer, Myr, Random, Rapter, Sanlin, Sauraman, Sepheroth, Sylvid, Titon, Yossarian, Zhimatsu
Responses by Everybody:
Rhyme: why don't we add a few more armor and weapons shops in calathar?
Why should we?
Criterion: establish a method for registering tribes. members of tribes will help each other as much as possible when online. tribe can establish a central bank account which receives funds from its members
Sorry, but that sounds very much like the beginnings of clans, which we're very much against. (T-games are rather special exemptions.)
Exe: we should have a CHANNEL -ALL so that if we are being annoyed by everyone, we can just turn all of the channels except say and gtell... maybe tell too.
We have this: chan +all to turn them all on, chan -all to turn them all off.
Kiri's WWW of URLs:
Just in time for thanksgiving... Turkey flavored soda. This, my friends, is not a gag.
What is your college degree worth? Hint - it's not a lot. ... egreeworth
From Scav, a Smorgette, when a full-sized Smorg simply will not do
You Know You're No Longer A Kid When...
Just one peanut butter and jelly sandwich doesn't do it any more.
Driving a car doesn't always sound like fun.
The average ten-year-old doesn't have a clue who Bo and Luke Duke are.
Being bad is no longer cool.
You have friends who have kids.
Saturday mornings are for sleeping.
You are taller than the slide at the McDonald's playland.
Your parents' jokes are now funny.
You have once said, "Whatch-you talkin' 'bout Willis?"
You have owned, and since disowned Michael Jackson's Thriller.
Christmas starts to piss you off.
You would rather wear your dirty clothes again, 'cause mom is not there to do your laundry anymore.
Two words: parachute pants
Naps are good.
You have onced deemed Space Invaders as "The best game ever".
When you know that the machines in gas station bathrooms don't dispense balloons.
When things go wrong, you can't just yell, "Do-over!"
Playboy's Playmate of the month is younger than you.
The only thing in your cereal box is...cereal.
You actually buy scarves, gloves, and sunscreen.
Your idea of fun parties now include Chips 'n' Salsa and Snapple.
You leave concerts and ballgames early to beat the crowd.
You WANT clothes for Christmas.
You don't want a Camaro because of the insurance premiums.
You remember when Saturday Night Live was funny.
You've bought an album on vinyl.
You remember seeing Star Wars when it first came out.
You read the "if you were born on this day in 1976 you are of legal age to buy alcohol" sign at the liquor store and recall attending a school dance on that date.