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October 15, 2003

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 3:13 am
by kiri
News from the Realms:

Brindar: Happy Thanksgiving to all Canadians!
I want to wish all of our Canadian members a very Happy Thanksgiving (or Happy Bird if you prefer).

AMystery: Happy Thanksgiving
I would also like to wish all of you a happy thanksgiving, but not
a happy bird. Let the birds be thankful also and focus on eachother
and not your stomachs.

Ongoing Quests:

DevilsAngel: Halloween quest

If you are still waiting to get a chance for the haunted house quest, please send me a note
with the name of the character or characters that you want to go through, and when you
are primarily online. I will do my best to get as many through as I can.
There is still plenty of time to get everyone in =), so please don't panic or anything.
If you don't know what I'm talking about, check the forums under quests!!
Thanks Dev

IDEAS: feel free to reply to any of these:

Kithrim: spell for kender 'locate (object) to locate objects with in there area/location

Redeemer: automatic afk flags for idle imms (for say over 30 minteutes) so us heroes can take care of bad-behaving children when the grownups are away

Spiderman: have women and men's bathrooms so we can do our business and girls can chitchat in them about the boys

Redeemer: change the angry griffins in malathar from see invis aggro to regular noninvis aggro so morties can just go invis to get their corpses

DwarfMan: Player stealing should be allowed in arena. Take "ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK" to another level :)

DwarfMan: why can't i cast expose on myself outside of arena? But I can fireball and flamestrike myself? Every spell should work on yourself outside of arena.

Redeemer: make death defeater potions cheaper because some lower mortals don't have thousands to spend to get pass door to get o their corpses

Its: when ever a demon gets a new limb it always says agonizing pain somewhere, why not take hit points off for diffrent amount of pain, for example small bird wings would be alot less painful then large bat wings.

Kiri's WWW of URLs:

From Dakata, the cost of living calculator between states and cities

From Scavenger, very creepy vitamin ads!

Cries of a bounty hunter - it details the joys of Star wars galaxies bounty hunting

Some of the funniest mistranslations of LOTR you have ever seen! Warning, some of the translations are naughty (and wrong) ... /00-20.htm

Replies by Anakin:

Strydar: isnt there someway to make a higher int or wis do more spell damage? you think this would work...
>>I think the flaming code already boosts the druid and elf spells but if you're referring to the non-flaming races, I think this could work. *shrugs* Not that big of a deal though.

Luc: customizable teleports, astral or summons. sort of like how bamfin and out works. this would be neat.
>>An alternative to this that I see people do is that they make a TP alias. It still shows you casting the spell but works perfectly with another message.

Ghaleon: A quote channel to quote stuff...
>>Wtf? Who is this guy? He's starting to get on my nerves! But yeah... Quotes from different movies/shows/whatever can be neat.

AMystery: bring back disintigrate but allow it to be used on players. no corpses, everything goes to recall. it would be like a slay but with a chance of a saving throw
>>Why am I not surprised it's Amy who suggested this? *shrugs* I have no use to this and I don't see any players that will (or are you referring to an imm spell?).

KITHRIM: what about an option to buy BR bonds? goes like this buy a bond for x dollars and growth on the bond increases per level you are given a bond item (which you must hold) if you die poof bond goes as well.
>>Anything new like this is a good on my list. I just remembered someone saying that if we have a better bank code, we should also code thieves stealing on our bank accounts and that's a no-no for me. icon_razz.gif

Luc: i meant a flag such as (sneaking) on a player if they are sneaking and you have detect hidden on.
>>Even better, improve Holylight so avatars can see characters/mobs sneak in a room. icon_biggrin.gif

WhouRang: kick people that have are idle for more than 20 mins
>>Does this apply to imms too? Nope. Better to just set up an AFK flag to whomever will get sucked into the void (or for people idle for more than 20 minutes). This way, if an imm forgets to put the flag, it will automatically put it up for them. I don't see why the others should have a limit to it otherwise.

Disaster: there should be a command, qah (for question and answer history) showing both the questions and answers in the proper order
>>Proper order? So if someone uses the question channel, the first to use the answer channel will get paired up with it? Sure.

Ghaleon: Illithids should know someway to dispel their magic. They made it up, they should know a way to reverse it somehow.

Exe: intelligence should have something to do with hitroll, dodge and parry... maybe disarm too, i mean, how many stupid people can seriously dodge a sword-swipe?
>>Eh? It's better if intelligence is connected to spells or healing but... fighting? *shrugs*

Kithrim: BR drag races think about it!!
>>There are drag race quests held every once in a while. Just have to catch some people and poke them if they want to do it.


Replies by Nyteshade:

AMystery: bring back disintigrate but allow it to be used on players. no corpses, everything goes to recall. it would be like a slay but with a chance of a saving throw
>>Why am I not surprised it's Amy who suggested this? *shrugs* I have no use to this and I don't see any players that will (or are you referring to an imm spell?).

>>>I wouldn't mind this what is wrong wit it?

WhouRang: kick people that have are idle for more than 20 mins
>>Does this apply to imms too? Nope. Better to just set up an AFK flag to whomever will get sucked into the void (or for people idle for more than 20 minutes). This way, if an imm forgets to put the flag, it will automatically put it up for them. I don't see why the others should have a limit to it otherwise.

>>> heh I think he was mad this day....or something made him say this. But what I think he meant was that if you are idle from br for a long period of time you should be booted there is no reason you should be online if you're not doing anything (talking to other doesn't count you should be able to do this) I mean you're not doing ANYTHING. stop being online you discourage people. when they try and talk to you and you are not even there it makes them feel bad (maybe they don't know you aren't there but just aren't tryin to answer their questions). Even if you have the afk flag on the whole day and you're sittin there WHY? what are you achieving, contributing to the mud nothin at all.

Replies by Everybody:

We have a timeout system in place. People have circumvented it. This is what is called "anti-void triggers". If you can think of a better way to show that people aren't doing anything, great. I can't. More power to you. Basically, although the idea is decent, it's already in place, and simply can't be enforced through code. Too bad.

Signs You Have Already Grown Up
Your potted plants stay alive.

6:00 AM is when you get up, not when you go to sleep.

You hear your favourite song on an elevator.

You carry an umbrella. You watch the Weather Channel.

Your friends marry instead of hook-up and break-up.

You go from 130 days of vacation time to 7.

Jeans and a sweater no longer qualify as 'dressed up'.

You're the one calling the police because those darn kids next door don't know how to turn down the stereo.

You don't know what time Taco Bell closes anymore.

Your car insurance goes down and your car payments go up.

You feed your dog Science Diet instead of McDonald's.

Sleeping on the couch makes your back hurt.

You no longer take naps from noon to 6 p.m.

Dinner and a movie - The whole date instead of the beginning of one.

You actually eat breakfast foods at breakfast time.

Grocery lists are longer than macaroni & cheese, diet Pepsi & Ho-Ho's.

Posted: Wed Oct 15, 2003 6:30 am
by Anakin
Kiri's racking up the Newsletters! Image

Kithrim: spell for kender 'locate (object) to locate objects with in there area/location
>>I think Kenders are alright as they are right now. If there's an addition to whatever they can/will do in the future, I want it to be identify. Kenders are suppose to be curious beings trying to see what an item could do, so why not give them an identify spell as an IG? As for locate, it COULD probably be best if their locate only locates items that they already have gotten.

Redeemer: automatic afk flags for idle imms (for say over 30 minteutes) so us heroes can take care of bad-behaving children when the grownups are away
>>I somewhat agree to this. Some imms leave the computers and forget to turn their flags up (maybe they thought they will be out only for a few minutes and come back? *shrugs* Or instead of going to the void make the wizzies?

Spiderman: have women and men's bathrooms so we can do our business and girls can chitchat in them about the boys
>>*ROFLMAO* This is coming from Peter Parker.

Redeemer: change the angry griffins in malathar from see invis aggro to regular noninvis aggro so morties can just go invis to get their corpses
>>Why? Might as well change everyone. I say, leave the seeinvis aggros alone. Newbies learn from these mistakes, and if possible, heroes also helps out. Sneak also plays a good part of it, but then again most races get it at level 18 (dwarves get it at level 26)

DwarfMan: Player stealing should be allowed in arena. Take "ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK" to another level
>>This is another idea where I go, "Why?". I don't think stealing is allowed in the arena. I don't want anyone named Dwarfman stealing my cookies. I mean, what is there to steal?

DwarfMan: why can't i cast expose on myself outside of arena? But I can fireball and flamestrike myself? Every spell should work on yourself outside of arena.
>>I once asked an imm if he can change the keyword of my item because I'm too lazy to type 2.<item>. You can just go in the arena, cast expose on yourself, then go back to your everyday life.

Redeemer: make death defeater potions cheaper because some lower mortals don't have thousands to spend to get pass door to get o their corpses
>>Or a cheaper pass door potion in the magician would do. Death defeather potion is one of the best potions for CR (it has ball of light, invis, pass door. What else can you ask?) so I guess that's why it's pretty expensive (or atleast that's what I want to think of it)

Its: when ever a demon gets a new limb it always says agonizing pain somewhere, why not take hit points off for diffrent amount of pain, for example small bird wings would be alot less painful then large bat wings.
>>Haha, this can be neat. ;) But I don't want it to take off hp from the base, maybe a couple of damage every limb would do. Everytime they level with 5hp -- they die. :twisted: