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Slart: fixes/changes
Sun Jun 1 00:33:43 2003
To: all
- Fixed some weirdness in the color command. The right colors should show
up for all characters now. I didn't add any channels to the configurable
list, though.
- Fixed a bug that could happen if a demon used a tentacle on a different
mob from the one it was already fighting.
And last, but not least...
- Fixed bug that allowed mobs to dodge/parry demon tentacle damage.
That's a little bigger deal than it sounds like it might be. The bug there
was a logic inversion bug...ALL demon limb attacks EXCEPT the tentacle
prevented dodge and parry. I have fixed should now do what it's
supposed to, which means that manual attacks like crush and buck can't
be dodged or parried, but autoattacks like the stone leg and disjointed
knee can be. This may have a serious effect on how strong demons will be.
Since this is a bug fix, we won't be entertaining any requests to change
it back. Consider yourselves warned. If we discover that there is a
serious game balance issue with demons, we'll address it, but it seems
like there's probably a fair amount of wiggle room right now. Let's see
how it goes. --Slart
Sozz: BR Limerick Quest is CLOSED
Sun Jun 1 09:37:41 2003
To: all
Hey everyone,
Thanks to everyone who participated in the BR Limerick Quest!
I will be accepting no more new entries, from anyone.
Unless you've got a fantastically good excuse, that is.

Judging may take a couple days, so everyone needs to just sit tight.
But remember, Everybody is sponsoring, so the prizes will be worth the wait

I'll be posting a few of the limericks in the forums once I get the judging all cleared up.
Thanks again to everyone who participated!
Rorin: Grad Quest
Sun Jun 1 18:45:57 2003
To: all
It's been a while since I've made a quest.
This June, we present you a "Happy Graduation" Quest!
It's been planned by Ginzor, Enter, and I with the help of
the Quest Team. Sponsored by one of the greatest, Everybody.
Now here's how the quest works...
Of course, before you get out of school, you'll have a
final exam. This final exam will be held this Sunday
June 8, 1:00PM System Time.
After we have checked the results of this exam, we'll
announce the results (and also give the rewards)as soon
as Everybody comes back from his vacation. And then,
we'll have a nice Graduation Ceremony.

On behalf of the Quest Team,
Disaster: quest!
Tue Jun 3 19:12:55 2003
To: all
this is going ot be a mob dress up quest
judging will be rorin and myself, and coma if he's available, saturday afternoon (no fixed time yet, we'll try to be flexible for you if you have scheduling conflicts
the mob does not need to be able to wear the item (align/level restrictions, etc) but the item must exist in the realms
preferably, you will obtain the items, but if you are unable to (due to level, etc) send rorin and myself an email with your desired items, they'll still count for partial points
points will be awarded based on an obscure, complicated formula (that is, we don't have a bloody clue yet how we'll be judging them *grin*)
but both the mob chosen and the items used will be considered
multiple entries are welcome, mortals and heroes will be judged seperately, mortal items only for mortal character submissions
any questions, ask rorin or myself, or any of our multiple alts
IDEAS (go ahead and hit reply!)
Disaster: a command option, birdseye here (instead of just birdseye direction) to see the room including oneself,
as someone would see it using birdseye from the room next door
Ghaleon: What's the point of having hazardous climate if someone will ask "Can you please fix the weather please?"
I'm sure it's useful to have better weather for quests but it could be added to an imm spell.
Contact: make it so that you have to be a certain age to buy liqours
Ghaleon: We should be able to change emote colors like most other texts
Eldaron: have a seperate color for other-character-in-combat's damage
Eldaron: an anti-assisty spell: disencourages assisties from, well, assisting...
Xorex: could we add something to count like the total number of levels or xp gained or mobs killed since last reboot?
would be neat
Suicide: allow the sacrificing of mob turds, but have a message saying that the gods punish you for your impudence,
and have the player randomly teleported
Beanis: find another command for the demon's arm - squid-like tentacles, cause then you can't do the crush social

AMystery: a way to make the demon tentacle more useful. have the damage it does increase not with time,
but with each crush command. cap it somewhere to keep avatars from abusing it though
Ghaleon: linkdead should appear in "group"
Rabies: Add %t to the prompt to display current system time, and %T for military time.
Desire: could it please be done so that grouping doesn't require following each other after the first time needed
to group? it's annoying i have to regroup when the leader changes to avoid this strange following bug.
Squiddy: you should be able to tp from mortal cursed areas if you're a hero
Beanis: show empty eq slots when type eq as demon avatar
Ghaleon: It shouldn't show you who's giving you something while you're sleeping for obvious reasons
Cord: in the "demon" help file, include "see also" for the remort, fetish, revenant consecration, and
"deamon parts" help files
Moldfinger: pets, at least bought ones, should autoassist their owners
Rorin: When you try to enflame a non-weapon item. It should say something else instead of "The _weapon_ must be
magical"--like "This is not a weapon" or something *shrugs*
Suicide: for arena combat, determine who hits first each round randomly, instead of it being the character who
logged in last
Ack: How about making it so that all races get 3 styles a normal, a defensive,and a relaxed style.
But Humans get the extended versions (once they get revamped). Def would not attack at all, but would have
increased dodge/parry/etc
Utena: Coffee should counter being drunk
Coffee doesn't counter drunk in the first place so why would it do it on br *pokes Birdy*
DevilsAngel: that only Ken can use tainted weapons, like how only Elves and druids can handle flaming
Amystery It makes some sense. I'd rather see it so taht when a non-ken got a tainted weapon it would damage them and poison them, but they could still get it. You drop something burning, but taint is a slow killer. You could use it for a bit until you complete died. Even better, have a non-kender with a tainted weapon be unable to heal.
well I think it was shadowhawk that had got a sword and was tainted by a kender and was given to him an Imm or something had gave it a personality and i kept shouting "return me to my rightful owner" I kinda liked that it was funny

Kiri's WWW of URLs:
From Oakley, Online etch-a-sketch
Escher Web Sketch
Cowruns -- Diablo 2 fans will appreciate this (not in English) ... -anime.swf
From Amystery - How to Stab Kings and Injure people ... acbeth.htm
Appropriate Swearing
Top Ten Times In History When Using The "F" Word Was Appropriate
10. "What the *&%# was that?" -- Mayor of Hiroshima
9. "Where did all these *&%#ing Indians come from?" -- Custer
8. "Any *&%#ing idiot could understand that." -- Einstein
7. "It does SO *&%#ing look like her!" -- Picasso
6. "How the *&%# did you work that out?" -- Pythagorus
5. "You want WHAT on the *&%#ing ceiling?" -- Michelangelo
4. "I don't suppose it's gonna *&%#ing rain." -- Joan of Ark
3. "Scattered *&%#ing showers... my ass!" -- Noah
2. "I need this parade like I need a *&%#ing hole in my head!" -- JFK
1. "Aw, c'mon, who the *&%# is going to find out?" -- Bill Clinton