September 2, 2003

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Post by Anakin »

I do put hide on my anti-void trigger... o.O;;

*tickles self* Okay, maybe I'm just a little too bored right now. :lol:
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Post by disaster »

*shrug* if it's a choice between being afk and being logged off, my money's on being afk.

afk: "gee, there sure are a lot of hardcore mud addicts that play here, being online when doing something else. i wonder what they found here that got them so addicted"

offline: "gee, there's nobody here, maybe i'll go someplace else"
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Post by Anakin »

They could see it in a different way such as, "Gee, there's a lot of afks. Is this game that boring?" or "Wow, a lot of people are online... wait they are AFK. Darn, what's the use of trying to communicate. *grumbles* "
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Post by Everybody »

Like I said earlier... I almost never go afk. When I do, it's usually to go to the bathroom, or because I got a phone call. If I'm expecting to be gone for any longer time than that, I go wizzy, or log off. (On a sidenote, I don't actually use the busy flag... ever, really.)
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Post by Joysinger »

i like the busy flag. it's my friend. it talks to me when noone else will...

and well, i usually forget to put it back down, too. and often, i am busy iaw, as well :) or with another character. or with a quest. or both. or plotting how to kill you all. it's what the flag tells me to do, you see, nothing personal. *insert holysmiley here*
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