Newsletter April 27, 2003

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Post by Divebomb »

I forgot, i'll second the half-proposal to re-implement the "players at level 50" rule that we used to have. :P
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Post by xorex »

Hmmm, okay, new idea. Command: "level"

By using this command, the player automatically gains a level.

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I understand

Post by kyrathaba »

I can understand your frustration, Comatose, and I too have seen this laziness adopted by new players. My suggestion was to make things a bit more stringent for first-timers. Stars objected to my proposal on the basis that heroes could then not cast spells on newbies, but surely this could easily be allowed with a little code modification (what is the old addage? Every rule has its exceptions...)

I think Stars had a valid gripe when complaining about going to an area only to have mobs summoned out from under his nose. Perhaps the "summon" code should check to see if there are any players in the same area as the mob, and if so NOT allow that mob to be summoned. The summoner might see a message like, "Because he is worried about adventurers nearby, [mobname] is able to resist your summons."
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Post by Divebomb »

Or summon and teleport could only work within the area you are standing...

Oops Divebomb brought up the sacreligious statement again.

Bad Divebomb. Bad!
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About summoning

Post by ACPilot »

I thought it was in the help file not to summon higher things to low level areas am i wrong? :?:
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Re: About summoning

Post by Comatose »

Divebomb wrote:Or summon and teleport could only work within the area you are standing...

Oops Divebomb brought up the sacreligious statement again.

Bad Divebomb. Bad!
I think this is a good idea for mobs, but I don't like it for players. I think that it would take too much away from druids. I remeber summoning people from a group back to the area we were fighting in. That would be one of my main functions in a group. For a group that is too valuable to give up.
ACPilot wrote:I thought it was in the help file not to summon higher things to low level areas am i wrong? :?:
The rule is to not summon aggro mobs into a lower level, I believe. I don't know the exact wording or which help file since I am not able to login to br right now. I am pretty sure this is still enforced. I know I have had many conversations with druids since I have been back on br.

I am very glad to see that I am not the only one that is bothered by level 50 rule.
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Post by disaster »

it has been my understanding that the "level 50 rule" basicly consists of "don't abuse the level". obviosly, what constitutes "abuse" is up for debate, but i've always just figured that as long as it's somewhat reasonable, and follows whatever imms tell you, you're good. most (not all, certainly, but most) people would curtail the use of alts for certain purposes if told to do so by an imm. as for code changes...i REALLY disagree. first of all, mos tof the time spells for lower levels are given out in a helpful manner for other players. "help me, i'm level 11 now, and clericus can't give me g.s, but i just died, and can't get all my stuff from my corpse", as just one example. as for druids summoning mobs away, it's no worse than trying to find the mobs after a demon's just run through the area. what i would like to see is the addition of more areas into which druids are able to summon, which would drasticly reduce the number of druids stopping repops in candyland. perhaps a specific-purpose summoning area, with no mobs in it and no level restrictions, so repops can't be blocked and you can summon anything into it? just an idea
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Post by Anakin »

I probably wasn't here or just forgot about it but what exactly is the "Level 50 Rule"?
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Re: About summoning

Post by Divebomb »

Comatose wrote:I think this is a good idea for mobs, but I don't like it for players. I think that it would take too much away from druids. I remeber summoning people from a group back to the area we were fighting in. That would be one of my main functions in a group. For a group that is too valuable to give up.
Well that's easily rectified by "gsummon" (group summon), a portal spell (through which any and all members of your group may walk through, rejecting anyone else), or simply making it so you can summon pcs from anywhere and reject your summons for npcs not in the area (the most plausible actually).
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Post by Ginzor »


1. If there are a level 50 rule people will put there chars at level 49.
2. I think the mortal world is a whole lot funnier then the hero world and as it says in the hero help files "you have now completed the game". I want to be able to have a powerfull lvl 50 elf that I can fight with in arena and help new players with too.

A level 50 rule wont work!
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Post by disaster »

as per my understanding, the "level 50 rule" wasn't really for level 50, but actually for every level. if you are found to be abusing the level, you will be dealt with accordingly. this applies at level 50, at level 49, at 151, even at lower levels (although how to abuse level 5, i have no idea). it's never, in my understanding, been specificly targetted at leve l50 characters, but just at anyone who abuses the privledges of that level.
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Post by Divebomb »

Disaster is right...

the rule essentially was that if it was found that you were abusing your powers (keeping the guy around for arena fights is not considered abusing your powers), then you would be asked to hero that level within a certain timespan or you would have to restart.
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Re: About summoning

Post by Comatose »

Divebomb wrote:
Comatose wrote:I think this is a good idea for mobs, but I don't like it for players. I think that it would take too much away from druids. I remeber summoning people from a group back to the area we were fighting in. That would be one of my main functions in a group. For a group that is too valuable to give up.
Well that's easily rectified by "gsummon" (group summon), a portal spell (through which any and all members of your group may walk through, rejecting anyone else), or simply making it so you can summon pcs from anywhere and reject your summons for npcs not in the area (the most plausible actually).
I like the idea. I was thinking something along those lines I just was too busy with the level issue to write about it. *clap DB*
Ginzor wrote:NO "LEVEL 50 RULE" PLZ!

1. If there are a level 50 rule people will put there chars at level 49.
2. I think the mortal world is a whole lot funnier then the hero world and as it says in the hero help files "you have now completed the game". I want to be able to have a powerfull lvl 50 elf that I can fight with in arena and help new players with too.

A level 50 rule wont work!
A level abuse rule will work and has worked. It has to be cleared up but it is more about the abuse of the powers at a certain level. If you truly are staying at level 50 to fight in the arena than that shouldn't be a problem. If you are staying at level 50 to help new players then why not hero? Isn't that a heros job?
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Post by Anakin »

This will probably be ignored anyway but I'll still ask it.

What if you already have tons of heroes and just want a mortal? Probably for enhances (I just noticed that the enchant raises at level 50) or doing quests?
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Post by Ginzor »

Ok, if I can stay at lvl 50 with Ginzor and colloect my quest eq and try to win arena fights then I'm just fine :lol:
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