January 17, 2004

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January 17, 2004

Post by kiri »

Welcome to the Barren Realms MUD Newsletter!

Visit BR at telnet://barren.coredcs.com:8000/

Ideas from the Realms:

Stars: PLEASE, keep notes around for a while longer than they currently do! I wouldn't mind if they lasted forever, unless I erase them.

Criterion: make quest prize tickets nodrop so they can't be put into bags which then get burned...

Kitsune: there should be a command like "lookkey" that shows items / mobs in a room by keyword so that we have to type every word in description then resign in quite frustration when they all fail...

Criterion: let's rewrite the socials... they read like they were written by love sick adolescents with raging hormones (in other words, perverts)

Redeemer: give the kenders the skill of creating bombs, allowing them to causing damage to a mob while away from the room

Redeemer: allow players to catch a cold (some kind of weaken spell) and make it transmissible

Redeemer: have an award called Mort of the week or/and Hero of the week where you get to keep a timed equipment /weapon that melts within that week.. it can be used as a reward for something good you've done for the mud

Criterion: i was thinking about my idea about having a statue of me erected at recall, and i realized i never mentioned that i wanted it to look like a renaissance style statue, but i'll be wearing surf shorts instead of a robe

AMystery: we need a respect stat. kill something especially difficult for your level, get a respect bonus, defeat multiple opponents in the arena, +1, find the lost and very powerful sword with a +3 respect

AMystery: change warn to list your current warns and their commands in addition to the syntax

Disaster: there should be some sort of a message when soemone peeks you

Responses by Baltar:

> Responses by Anakin:
> Criterion: when you type prac, put everything into order by alpha
> >>And maybe they can also sort them by % *nods*

Actually, I kinda like having them grouped by guild...Hey, Slart, how hard
would it be to code in options for the PRACtice command? <<ducks>>

> Lehua: If you happen to kill yourself for any reason, immediate =
> alignmennt adjustment to satanic... Since suicide is technically a =
> mortal sin
> >>And whenever you use pray, immediate alignment adjustment to =
> angelic... Since praying is religiously a good thing. No.

Do I sense a Demon looking for an easy alignment fix?


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You know you're a Star Wars geek when...
When you pass out while trying to move a pencil across the desk with the Force.

When you get into a fight, you automaticly find yourself reaching for a lightsaber...

If you get your head stuck in a bucket pretending your Darth Vader.

When you spend time watching the Star Wars trilogy because you think there will be a test on it later.

You punch out trekkies who say "Death star my ass, I'd like to see those losers take out DS9".

With a blue-tinted plastic tube, a flashlight, two hours of a saturday night, and 4 rolls of blue electrical tape, you finally complete your own working "Light-saber"

Your room is filthy except for your "Star Wars Area."

You think you are the life of the party because you imitate Yoda's voice and have him say things a Jedi master wouldn't say.

Whenever you get in trouble, you mutter "I have a bad feeling about this."

When you listen for Obi-Wan while attempting to parralell park.

When your father asks you how fast your car is, you reply,"Fast enough for you, old man."

You don't have any money to buy food or clothes but you have a kick-ass STAR WARS collection.

You swear you saw Obi-Wan in your Cheerios.

You get caught doing your Darth Vader impression in the bathroom. (what are you doing in there son? *heavy breathing*YOUR POWERS ARE WEAK OLD MAN!!!!)

When you wake up screaming, "Luke it's a trap!"

You know you're a Star Wars geek when you unsuccessfully get the last cheerio in the bowl and instinctively mutter, "The Force is strong in this one."

You start to see visions of Ben Kenobi telling you to go to bed.

You Find yourself Getting Beaten up for saying everyone's lines 2 seconds before they do in the theatre.

When... Your first sentence was "I have a bad feeling about this."

When you find yourself quoting the opening lines of "A New Hope".....and don't stop until 125 minutes later.

You curse out people that go,"Yeah! I know who Obi-Wan Kenobi is! Isn't he that guy with the funky ears that goes,"Live Long and Prosper?"

You punch out people that say,"But I thought Han Solo flew the Enterprise?"

You can't resist to hum when you turn on a flashlight

You're a Star Wars geek when your teacher hands you your test back and says "commas are your weakness." You shoot back: "And your faith in your friends is yours!"

When someone talks about people getting abducted by little green men you say, "Yoda would never do such a thing!"

you actually feel the need to attack Star Wars geeks with a camera to prove that you are not of their kind.

When, you're drunker than you've ever been in your life and still know that the possibilitiy of successfully navigating an asteroid field is 3,720 to one.

You buy 2 copies of the trilogy just so you could have the full Darth Vader Helmet.

You've wached the trilogy more times than mark hammil.

You finnally figure out that ANH rearanged is Han

You point out to people that given inflation Star Wars kicked Titanic's Ass by nearly 300 million.

When your boss forwards all of your checks to the local Star Wars supplier.

You stand up a date to put jokes on this page.

You go to star wars conventions with the sole purpose of getting laid.


You wake up with a hangover blood on your hands and a ripped t-shirt that says trekkies forever

You have a tan line from your Darth Vader helment.

At the airport, when the clerk asks you if anyone else has handled your bag you say,"No, it's just me, the boy, two droids...and no questions asked.

When your stuck doing 'yoga' classes because of a misprint on the advertisement
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Re: January 17, 2004

Post by Stars »

Stars: PLEASE, keep notes around for a while longer than they currently do! I wouldn't mind if they lasted forever, unless I erase them.
I agree. Geez, what a smart guy, and handsome too. If I were a girl, I'd ask him on a date.
Criterion: make quest prize tickets nodrop so they can't be put into bags which then get burned...
I like them being destructable. Indestructable prizes should be for something really special. Here's a helpful hint: Just don't put your quest prizes in a pack. :wink:
Kitsune: there should be a command like "lookkey" that shows items / mobs in a room by keyword so that we have to type every word in description then resign in quite frustration when they all fail...
I disagree, just because some keywords are made to be difficult to figure out. As a builder, I sometimes like to use this little trick as another little challenge for the adventurer.
Criterion: let's rewrite the socials... they read like they were written by love sick adolescents with raging hormones (in other words, perverts)
Most people think I'm quite a prude, and they're pretty much right. But I have to disagree with you on this, Criterion. If you don't like some socials, then don't use them. If they become too annoying, then ask the person not to use them on you. Personally, I still feel weird when someone licks me. But I can't get mad because it's all in fun, and isn't meant to be really sick or perverted. Any truly graphic language or suggestive behavior finds a quick response from the powers that be. If you find such a thing, then make a specific example, and it will be examined. I trust our imms, so I'm not too concerned. I'm glad that you have a higher standard for moral behavior. But the socials here aren't meant to be taken literally. Although I've had some difficulty dealing with some things around here that make me uncomfortable, I've come to realize that it isn't really unhealthy if taken in the context of a fantasy game.
Redeemer: give the kenders the skill of creating bombs, allowing them to causing damage to a mob while away from the room
What a terrifying thought. Actually, I don't think Kenders would have the patience for bomb making. Maybe give this ability to Dwarves, who would probably use such a device for mining.
Redeemer: allow players to catch a cold (some kind of weaken spell) and make it transmissible
Redeemer: have an award called Mort of the week or/and Hero of the week where you get to keep a timed equipment /weapon that melts within that week.. it can be used as a reward for something good you've done for the mud
I'm not one to make any such decisions, but this sounds like fun. What would be the criteria for a mort/hero of the week?
Criterion: i was thinking about my idea about having a statue of me erected at recall, and i realized i never mentioned that i wanted it to look like a renaissance style statue, but i'll be wearing surf shorts instead of a robe
May the gods have mercy on us...
AMystery: we need a respect stat. kill something especially difficult for your level, get a respect bonus, defeat multiple opponents in the arena, +1, find the lost and very powerful sword with a +3 respect
What would be the point?
AMystery: change warn to list your current warns and their commands in addition to the syntax
Is there something I'm missing here?
Disaster: there should be some sort of a message when soemone peeks you
Yeah, but it's not a big deal to me.
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Re: January 17, 2004

Post by disaster »

Stars: PLEASE, keep notes around for a while longer than they currently do! I wouldn't mind if they lasted forever, unless I erase them.

-having them hang around forever would be a bit much, but a bit of an extension would be nice if it's not too much of a pain in the butt to code

Criterion: make quest prize tickets nodrop so they can't be put into bags which then get burned...

-i completely disagree. first of all, if an imm wanted ot make the prize nodrop, they could use a nodrop item as the base item of what they're making. if you don't want your prize burned in a pack, then don't put your prize in a pack (deceptively simple, isn't it?)

Kitsune: there should be a command like "lookkey" that shows items / mobs in a room by keyword so that we have to type every word in description then resign in quite frustration when they all fail...

-nope, builders make things hard on purpose. if you want mobs, try 2. or 3.

Criterion: let's rewrite the socials... they read like they were written by love sick adolescents with raging hormones (in other words, perverts)

-like stars said, come up with specific examples. if you have an issue with someone socialling you, ask them to stop. if they won't, that's a violation of ettiquette as far as i'm concerned, and i think you should take it up in private between you, the person, and an imm.

Redeemer: give the kenders the skill of creating bombs, allowing them to causing damage to a mob while away from the room

-bomb making? kender are jittery enough that they can't even pour poison onto a weapon properly half the time, i wouldn't want to see them trying to make explosives. tainting throwing weapons would make sense to me though, which i don't think is possible right now. if any race learn how to make bombs though, there should be a very high chance of instakilling themselves when they try

Redeemer: allow players to catch a cold (some kind of weaken spell) and make it transmissible

-like stars said, read help plague

Redeemer: have an award called Mort of the week or/and Hero of the week where you get to keep a timed equipment /weapon that melts within that week.. it can be used as a reward for something good you've done for the mud

-sounds like more of a quest-based thing than a mud-based thing, maybe talk to imms and see if you can find a sponsor?

Criterion: i was thinking about my idea about having a statue of me erected at recall, and i realized i never mentioned that i wanted it to look like a renaissance style statue, but i'll be wearing surf shorts instead of a robe


AMystery: we need a respect stat. kill something especially difficult for your level, get a respect bonus, defeat multiple opponents in the arena, +1, find the lost and very powerful sword with a +3 respect

-sounds very difficult to both come up with appropriate criteria and to then code. would also be somewhat unfairly biased, since elves/druids are much more able to kill high level mobs than fighters

AMystery: change warn to list your current warns and their commands in addition to the syntax

-*shrug* sounds good, but obviously no real opinion on it

Disaster: there should be some sort of a message when soemone peeks you

-makes sense to me, if you get a message when someone looks at you i'd expect the more attentive look of someone peeking you would also be noticed
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Re: January 17, 2004

Post by Everybody »

Stars wrote:
AMystery: change warn to list your current warns and their commands in addition to the syntax
Is there something I'm missing here?
Yes... AMy's referencing an imm command.
Your local know-it-all. ;)
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Post by kiri »

Warn tells you when another player is coming on. I forgot it was imm only. Sorry.
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Post by Bluestar »

LOL :)
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-Ralph Waldo Emerson-
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