Open Quests:
Joysinger: Papa Smurf is dead!
Tue Dec 2 15:26:26 2003
To: all
if you know how to prove it (a dead body is no proof as everyone knows papa smurf is powerfully
magical, same thing for all body parts of him), you can win a prize. happy hunting.
send me a note or a tell if you see me online, the first of you to get it right will get
something nice!
once it's solved i'll inform you so you can stop searching

Redeemer: BR Thanksgiving quest extended!
Tue Dec 2 14:41:04 2003
To: all
Since I've been away for most of the weekend, I've decided to move the deadline
to this Friday. Please submit your five items (in a container) that remind you
of the importance of BR and your written reasons (in a note to me or email to by then.
Bluestar: Poetry and Prose Quest
Wed Dec 3 06:28:22 2003
To: all
Hello all you questers!
Just a quick note to remind you that the quest is still in progress
and that we are still recieving submissions until December 21st.
Also, just to remind you all a quick overlay of the rules:
All entries must be in English so the judges can fully understand and appreciate them
You may submit a poem or a story of any legnth, or one of each.
Your entries have to be fantasy/sci-fi themed. They do not specifically have to be about BR, though it is preferred.
Full rules can be found on the BR forums at: ... =6823#6823
Please email all submissions with your character's name and Quest in the subject line to:
Now get those keys a clickin' and send in your entries

Tgames updates:
Divebomb: TGames 3 Results
Votes are as in as they'll get in...
Drail had 3 votes and Tiamet had 2. 2 people had to be voted off so you two are off the island :'(
Disaster: tgames
yep, reorganization it is, happy-happy-joy-joy

the tenzor and torr-penn tribes, say hello to the Hanternoz
(midnight) tribe. also, the level cap is now raised to 40. also,
all players must reach level 30 by next week or be eliminated. oh,
and if someone would be so kind as to tell me what the quest was like
on sunday, so i can try to avoid repeating it if possible, it would
be greatly appreciated. -dis
Dakata: I think it took really* from my home directory, which includes that
directory and that file.
These people need to contact me:
Blackrazor, Bozz, Brightstar, Caoshin, Daii, Deathbringer, Esp, Falwyn, Ganesh, Gradius, Gradlik, Janne, Jin, Joeyjoe, Kaballa, Kedo, Kenneth, Koji, Medagar, Rapter, Rynuk, Shorty, Siranguish, Sirfrog, Togarmah, Whiteknife, Zhimatsu
Lehua: a shopkeeper in the mortal realm that sells food, no weapons, no armor, no jewelery, no.. oh i don't know

Criterion: an area attack skill for fighters that let's them engage and attack multiple opponents. requires high dex and wis and int.
Vader: let clericus sell spells like combat mind and sanc
Kitsune: could the Guardian use tell instead of say to talk to demons? It is a id odd when he suddenly quips something about replacement of various appendages. Just a thought! - Kit
Criterion: how about a command called tnl, that reports your tnl as an emote
Exo: word of recall should have SOME use, make it so if you type a city keyword, such as perelandra, your 'word of recall' recalls you to that city, only make it so ALL of your mv is taken away, since it is a really fast way to travel, and make the citie
Disaster: heal restorehp and heal restoremana and heal restoremoves, for when you don't want to restore everything
Exe: i dont think memory mobs should attack linkdead people, if your connection blows out right after you flee, that mob could easily kill you. if it does, and you cant reconnect, your screwed
Rhyme: for illithid skill, this won't affect the mud's balance, but a spell that allows an illithid to deliver an item anywhere in the mud to a player, from any place else.
By Anakin:
Indy: Enflame armor? elves and druids and heros only...on magical stuff only
Kitsune: Elves and Druids often have trouble finding flaming eq. So, I suggest an "enflame object" type spell. but, to keep it's power inline, make it like taint so that it destroys the eq after a while. Just a thought! -Kit
Anakin: Solution:
Look harder.
By Divebomb:
It shouldn't be easy to find flaming equipment...
So i'll second Anakin.
(There... I said it... I agree with Anakin... I need to go wash myself now)
By Everybody:
I'm uncertain about whether or not flaming eq should be easy to find (there is at least one piece for every slot, if you look for it, as dive and anakin said), but I wouldn't mind seeing Kitsune's idea implemented - require items, perhaps, as well, to enflame one piece for a time. All in all, the time you spent getting the armor, items, plus the cost of casting the spell makes up for the (slight) damage boost from the flaming tag.
Kiri's WWW of URLs:
Where the paychecks and jobs are: ... P66747.asp
Gemma Hayes, a very interesting Irish singer:
Where's Scavenger?
FFX-2 (and other) cheats
Top 47 Oxymorons:
47. Act naturally
46. Found missing
45. Resident alien
44. Advanced BASIC
43. Genuine imitation
42. Airline Food
41. Good grief
40. Same difference
39. Almost exactly
38. Government organization
37. Sanitary landfill
36. Alone together
35. Legally drunk
34. Silent scream
33. American history
32. Living dead
31. Small crowd
30. Business ethics
29. Soft rock
28. Butt Head
27. Military Intelligence
26. Software documentation
25. New York culture
24. New classic
23. Sweet sorrow
22. Childproof
21. "Now, then ..."
20. Synthetic natural gas
19. Passive aggression
18. Taped live
17. Clearly misunderstood
16. Peace force
15. Extinct Life
14. Temporary tax increase
13. Computer jock
12. Plastic glasses
11. Terribly pleased
10. Computer security
09. Political science
08. Tight slacks
07. Definite maybe
06. Pretty ugly
05. Twelve-ounce pound cake
04. Diet ice cream
03. Working vacation
02. Exact estimate
And the Number one top OXY-Moron
01. Microsoft Works