November 14, 2003

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November 14, 2003

Post by kiri »


Disaster: tgames results for this week

Mon Nov 10 19:08:42 2003

To: all

results are as follows: tenzor soujuri 9, robert 1, thentia 1

torr-penn exhile 10

to settle the tie between robert and thentia, i looked at who voted for each. the player who voted for robert was online for the quest, the player who voted for thentia was not.

as a result, soujuri and robert are eliminated from tenzor, exhile in eliminated from torr-penn

you guys know the rules, thanks for playing. -dis

Disaster: tgames tiebreakers

Tue Nov 11 11:28:03 2003

To: all

it's been suggested to me that when there's a tie in the voting, i

let you guys have a vote-off to see who is eliminated. i havent been

doing this so far, mainly because it takes more time, but also

because i haven't needed to yet since i've been counting people who

were there for the quest more than those who weren't. if you guys

want to change the ways ties are decided, you can let me know this

coming sunday at quest time. if there's enough of a majority wanting

a change, i'll change it. -dis oh, and i just remembered, there was

one tie that was decided through one of the players not having been

online for a very long time. other than that, i've only had to count

who was online for the quest and who wasn't. -dis

Everybody: a quest, of sorts

Thu Nov 13 23:04:36 2003

To: all

I was stashing money away the other day, and dug a hole in the realms, somewhere.

Into it, I put some 7 million coins. Now, I can't remember where I dug the hole,

unfortunately. Since it's not a big loss to me, I figured I'd notify the rest of you

that it exists, and, if you find it, feel free to keep the money. I am very good at hiding

things like this, though, and it could be anywhere in the realms, so search thoroughly if you

expect to find it.

Note, this will only exist until the mud reboots next, and remember, it is a hole that

the money's in. Happy huntings.


P.S.- If I remember anything about where it was, I may send some clues out for you.



Lehua: cumulative affect potions, rare - but with spells otherwise that can't be cast by anyone in the realm.

Rhyme: why don't we add a few more armor and weapons shops in calathar?

Redeemer: make practice dummy at the academy level 3 or so, not level 10.. because it's not much of a practice dummy, but more like a bully. It also scaries newbies away thinking that this mud is hard. It's discouraging.

Criterion: establish a method for registering tribes. members of tribes will help each other as much as possible when online. tribe can establish a central bank account which receives funds from its members

Exe: we should have a CHANNEL -ALL so that if we are being annoyed by everyone, we can just turn all of the channels except say and gtell... maybe tell too.

Lehua: local recall sites... you recall to the nearest one, except when you use the general recall that sends you to calathar...

Redeemer: We should have a makeover quest for a lucky lucky winner to be given a completely unique yet sexy wardrobe. (like that show from TLC)-Makeover story?) :-)

Lehua: the more of an item a shopkeeper has, the lower the purchase price for the buyer


Reply by Baltar:

> AMystery: i wonder if we should change the message for when a room is =
> cursed vs when the player has the curse spell

I'm embarrassed to admit that this has confused me as well. Getting
the "You are cursed!" message when trying to recall generally results
in something like: "Gee, I didn't even notice that mob casting spells
on me! <rummage><rummage><rummage> Drat, nothing to remove the curse.
You mean I gotta sit here until it wears off? Wonder how long that'll
be...Hey! It doesn't show up in AFFects! Maybe I'm not really cursed
at all! </></></></> Okay, I'm cursed..." Eventually I figure it out
and feel really stupid, but it would sure be nice if there were two
different messages. How hard would it be to code?

> Its: when ever a demon gets a new limb it always says agonizing
> pain somewhere, why not take hit points off for diffrent amount of pain,
> for example small bird wings would be alot less painful then large bat
> wings.
> >>Anakin: Just wondering, will this kill the demon with low hp?

Not if it's a percentage of total hp. Sort of like 'pluck'...


Kiri's WWW of URLs - all helpful stuff this week:

Slashdot article on mediation - from Amystery

Amystery again with info on Anorexia

For those of us looking for jobs

More jobs


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Q: My Etch-A-Sketch has all of these funny little lines all over the screen.

A: Pick it up and shake it.

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A: Pick it up and shake it.

Q: How do I create a New Document window?

A: Pick it up and shake it.

Q: How do I set the background and foreground to the same color?

A: Pick it up and shake it.

Q: What is the proper procedure for rebooting my Etch-A-Sketch?

A: Pick it up and shake it.

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Q: How do I save my Etch-A-Sketch document?

A: Don't shake it.
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Post by Everybody »

Rhyme: why don't we add a few more armor and weapons shops in calathar?
Why should we?
Criterion: establish a method for registering tribes. members of tribes will help each other as much as possible when online. tribe can establish a central bank account which receives funds from its members
Sorry, but that sounds very much like the beginnings of clans, which we're very much against. (T-games are rather special exemptions.)
Exe: we should have a CHANNEL -ALL so that if we are being annoyed by everyone, we can just turn all of the channels except say and gtell... maybe tell too.
We have this: chan +all to turn them all on, chan -all to turn them all off.
Your local know-it-all. ;)
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