October 8, 2003

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October 8, 2003

Post by kiri »

Welcome to the Barren Realms MUD Newsletter!

Come visit BR at telnet://barren.coredcs.com:8000/

News from the Realms:

Disaster: 3rd tgames weekly quest results
Sun Oct 5 20:06:37 2003

we had three rounds of arena battles today.
in the first, noone could reenter the arena after leaving it/dying.
in the second, the last team with a person not to be killedwon, with
people reentering arena as much as they wanted.
in the 3rd, 5 rous were sent to arena, and the team bringing the most
skins back won.
kalonek won all three trials. krenv, please get your votes to me as
soon as you can, results will be up tomorrow evening like usual

Disaster: tgames 3rd elimination

with two votes against mourdrydd and no votes against anyone else,
mourdrydd is voted off. you know the rules, thnx for playing :)

Disaster: tgames and thanksgiving

as some of you may know, next weekend is thanksgiving (kiri .ed - in Canada). because of
this, the quest will be a little different than normal this coming
sunday. it will still be at 6:00pm system time, and it will still
have some sort of effect as to your success in the tgames from this
point onwards, but there will not be an elimination. that's all the
details i'm giving out for now. please be sure to show up, and see
exactly what i have planned for you. -dis

Lairian: Heritage postponement

To all the druids that would have quested this week, a formal appology comes
from me and Leiland...we've overbooked ourselves, and as a result won't be able
to run the quest this weekend...however, the Heritage quests will continue next week.
We're terribly sorry for the delay, and any problems this might have caused, but
trust us, if we could run it this week, we would.
Thanks for your understanding. =)

These characters need to log in or contact me:

Borax, Cathal, Cygnus, Dimension, Elkys, Fallingstar, Icehawk, Kannibal, Merric, Odan, Opposer, Taerom


Strydar: isnt there someway to make a higher int or wis do more spell damage? you think this would work...

Luc: customizable teleports, astral or summons. sort of like how bamfin and out works. this would be neat.

Ghaleon: A quote channel to quote stuff...

AMystery: bring back disintigrate but allow it to be used on players. no corpses, everything goes to recall. it would be like a slay but with a chance of a saving throw

KITHRIM: what about an option to buy BR bonds? goes like this buy a bond for x dollars and growth on the bond increases per level you are given a bond item (which you must hold) if you die poof bond goes as well.

Luc: i meant a flag such as (sneaking) on a player if they are sneaking and you have detect hidden on.

WhouRang: kick people that have are idle for more than 20 mins

Disaster: there should be a command, qah (for question and answer history) showing both the questions and answers in the proper order

Ghaleon: Illithids should know someway to dispel their magic. They made it up, they should know a way to reverse it somehow.

Exe: intelligence should have something to do with hitroll, dodge and parry... maybe disarm too, i mean, how many stupid people can seriously dodge a sword-swipe?

Kithrim: BR drag races think about it!!

Replies to the last Newsletter by Anakin:

Batman: dwarves should be able to break through locked doors/containers/chests with their axes
>>More like improve bash. icon_biggrin.gif

Mathiu: eat pills even when full
>>I guess it'd make sense. Some pills even require you to eat before taking it...

Redeemer: raise the betting limit on Hangman to make it more interesting and exciting
>>Yeah! But I still bet 1, since I rarely play hangman. *shrugs*

Strydar: A race to oppose demons...angels or serraphims. Similiar to demons, cept good
aligned = better.
>>Check this out: http://www.barrenrealmsmud.com/forum/vi ... .php?t=460

Exo: i know it would be VERY hard to code in, but i personally think you should get xp for
EVERY thing you kill, even if it is only like 1 xp... i think no matter what you kill, your gonna
learn from it, right?
>>Are you saying that we must get xp when we do something silly (like flee, die, etc?) Cause... we also learn from our mistakes right? icon_razz.gif Bah! I disagree.

Exo: i think lisette should buy EVERYTHING, not just weapons and armor, and if not that, then
make the grocer and the magician not stoppile the stuff you sell them
>>Sure, but I think there are mobs across BR that now buys everything.

Yuber: make it so you can choose whether or not people see battle update when you die

Kiri -- you can. Just turn off chan -battle, and no one will see when you die.

Exhile: GIVE FRENZY TO ELVES EARLIER, illithids get it BEFORE elves OOG... wouldnt the in
guild race get it first
>>I thought the slist of the two are pretty funny. I don't know about the idea though. icon_lol.gif

Crux: a cheers emote would be kinda nice to have, kinda like the beer emote but better

Kiri -- Standard answer: Ok, write it. See help writesocial and help socialex.

Delidien: Help killer, so if newbies see the flag on someone, they can understand why it's given, the etiquette surrounding it, etc
>>And that the ones with the "Killer" flag should/would think that it is a punishment, not another design. icon_rolleyes.gif

Luc: a fly showing that a player is sneaking
>>Huh? "affects" shows when a player is sneaking, if that's what you're asking.

Home: a new limb for demons, works onlt for demons with wings, a claw. it picks a mob up and you fly up and drup it, the better the wings the higher you can fly and the more damaging the drop
>>Demons are done, no more addition, please. They are too freaking powerful already.

Home: if your crushing someone it should act like trip and not let them flee, i mean come on you have them wraped in a tentacle and they just walk away?
>>See "help vine" there's already a demon limb/command for this.

Puppetmon: some sort of disarm for demons
>>I'll say it again, demons are too freaking powerful already. If someone should get disarm, it should be the martial artists.

Strydar: isnt there someway to make a higher int or wis do more spell damage? you think this would work...
>>It would, technically and I still agree with the additional affects that our stats could do. icon_smile.gif

Luc: customizable teleports, astral or summons. sort of like how bamfin and out works. this would be neat.
>>You can make an alias for it, right? It's just a hero reward for the bamfin/out when using goto. ^,^


Kiri's WWW of URLs:

Want to know if California had an earthquake today?


The federal government's official job site


The surprising benefits of being unemployed, from amystery


Queen of Wands webcomic, from Scavenger. Some of this may be adult material.


Why doesn't glue stick to the inside of the bottle?
Can you be a closet claustrophobic?
Why is the word abbreviation so long?
Is it possible to be totally partial?
What's another word for thesaurus?
If a book about failures doesn't sell, is it a success?
If the funeral procession is at night, do folks drive with their lightsoff?
When companies ship Styrofoam, what do they pack it in?
If you're cross-eyed and have dyslexia, can you read all right?
If a stealth bomber crashes in a forest, will it make a sound?
If the cops arrest a mime, do they tell him he has the right to remain silent?
If a parsley farmer is sued, can they garnish his wages?
When it rains, why don't sheep shrink?
Should vegetarians eat animal crackers?
Do cemetery workers prefer the graveyard shift?
What do you do when you see an endangered animal that eats only endangered plants?
Do hungry crows have ravenous appetites?
If a mute swears, does his mother wash his hands with soap?
If someone with multiple personalities threatens to kill himself, is it considered a hostage situation?
Instead of talking to your plants, if you yelled at them would they still grow? Only to be troubled and insecure?
Is their another word for synonym?
Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do "practice"?
When sign makers go on strike, is anything written on their signs?
When you open a bag of cotton balls, is the top one meant to be thrown away?
Where do forest rangers go to get away from it all?
Why isn't there mouse-flavored cat food?
Why do they report power outages on TV?
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Post by Anakin »

Strydar: isnt there someway to make a higher int or wis do more spell damage? you think this would work...
>>I think the flaming code already boosts the druid and elf spells but if you're referring to the non-flaming races, I think this could work. *shrugs* Not that big of a deal though.

Luc: customizable teleports, astral or summons. sort of like how bamfin and out works. this would be neat.
>>An alternative to this that I see people do is that they make a TP alias. It still shows you casting the spell but works perfectly with another message.

Ghaleon: A quote channel to quote stuff...
>>Wtf? Who is this guy? He's starting to get on my nerves! But yeah... Quotes from different movies/shows/whatever can be neat.

AMystery: bring back disintigrate but allow it to be used on players. no corpses, everything goes to recall. it would be like a slay but with a chance of a saving throw
>>Why am I not surprised it's Amy who suggested this? *shrugs* I have no use to this and I don't see any players that will (or are you referring to an imm spell?).

KITHRIM: what about an option to buy BR bonds? goes like this buy a bond for x dollars and growth on the bond increases per level you are given a bond item (which you must hold) if you die poof bond goes as well.
>>Anything new like this is a good on my list. I just remembered someone saying that if we have a better bank code, we should also code thieves stealing on our bank accounts and that's a no-no for me. :P

Luc: i meant a flag such as (sneaking) on a player if they are sneaking and you have detect hidden on.
>>Even better, improve Holylight so avatars can see characters/mobs sneak in a room. :D

WhouRang: kick people that have are idle for more than 20 mins
>>Does this apply to imms too? Nope. Better to just set up an AFK flag to whomever will get sucked into the void (or for people idle for more than 20 minutes). This way, if an imm forgets to put the flag, it will automatically put it up for them. I don't see why the others should have a limit to it otherwise.

Disaster: there should be a command, qah (for question and answer history) showing both the questions and answers in the proper order
>>Proper order? So if someone uses the question channel, the first to use the answer channel will get paired up with it? Sure.

Ghaleon: Illithids should know someway to dispel their magic. They made it up, they should know a way to reverse it somehow.

Exe: intelligence should have something to do with hitroll, dodge and parry... maybe disarm too, i mean, how many stupid people can seriously dodge a sword-swipe?
>>Eh? It's better if intelligence is connected to spells or healing but... fighting? *shrugs*

Kithrim: BR drag races think about it!!
>>There are drag race quests held every once in a while. Just have to catch some people and poke them if they want to do it. :)
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Post by Nyteshade »

AMystery: bring back disintigrate but allow it to be used on players. no corpses, everything goes to recall. it would be like a slay but with a chance of a saving throw
>>Why am I not surprised it's Amy who suggested this? *shrugs* I have no use to this and I don't see any players that will (or are you referring to an imm spell?).

>>>I wouldn't mind this what is wrong wit it?

WhouRang: kick people that have are idle for more than 20 mins
>>Does this apply to imms too? Nope. Better to just set up an AFK flag to whomever will get sucked into the void (or for people idle for more than 20 minutes). This way, if an imm forgets to put the flag, it will automatically put it up for them. I don't see why the others should have a limit to it otherwise.

>>> heh I think he was mad this day....or something made him say this. But what I think he meant was that if you are idle from br for a long period of time you should be booted there is no reason you should be online if you're not doing anything (talking to other doesn't count you should be able to do this) I mean you're not doing ANYTHING. stop being online you discourage people. when they try and talk to you and you are not even there it makes them feel bad (maybe they don't know you aren't there but just aren't tryin to answer their questions). Even if you have the afk flag on the whole day and you're sittin there WHY? what are you achieving, contributing to the mud nothin at all.
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Post by Everybody »

We have a timeout system in place. People have circumvented it. This is what is called "anti-void triggers". If you can think of a better way to show that people aren't doing anything, great. I can't. More power to you. Basically, although the idea is decent, it's already in place, and simply can't be enforced through code. Too bad.
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Post by Nyteshade »

if they are subject to enter the void 7 to 8 times even if they do have a void trigger on kick them to the curb. because you do enter the void before the trigger goes into effect. so have the mud record it if you do it 8 times then have the mud automatically log you.
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Post by Anakin »

Nyteshade wrote:if they are subject to enter the void 7 to 8 times even if they do have a void trigger on kick them to the curb. because you do enter the void before the trigger goes into effect. so have the mud record it if you do it 8 times then have the mud automatically log you.
You realize that if these people really doesn't want to log off, they don't even have to go to the void, right?
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Post by Nyteshade »

? :roll:
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Post by Anakin »

OMFG~! Who made your sig? That is so jawesome!
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Post by Everybody »

Right... the mud starts logging how many times you've voided before logging you off and people start triggering earlier (vs. a timer of some sort) so they don't void at all. If we look at repetitive commands at that point, people start putting a variable in so they input a variety of commands. Basically, the point is that we can't really prevent people, code-wise, from staying online for days on end if they want to, thus it's not worth the effort to code something new in to try to prevent people from doing it.
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Post by disaster »

removing the message sent to the player when he goes to the void would eliminate trigger-based anti-void systems, but timer-based would still work.

"If a mute swears, does his mother wash his hands with soap?"
the school where i'm student teaching right now is the deaf and hard of hearing school for most of the city where i live. I was lucky enough not to have this happen to me, but a friend of mine also teaching at the school was speaking (via lip reading) with a deaf teacher who suddenly and for apparently no reason at all broke out laughing. it turns out that my friend has a habit of moving his hands quite a bit when speaking, and had the misfortune of making a very vulgar sign without realizing it. a case of sticking one's hand in one's mouth, i guess ;)
"Freedom of speech" is not the same thing as "Freedom from consequences".
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Post by Anakin »

There are only two ways that I can think of which can effectively eliminate the anti-void trigger and that's a) jailing and b) banning.

Kicking doesn't really work if the person has auto-log in triggers.

Basically anything that will let the person connect with their character again will not work so this idea is really pretty useless unless you really have a personal vendetta to those not wanting to log off. :roll:
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Post by kiri »

Anakin wrote:There are only two ways that I can think of which can effectively eliminate the anti-void trigger and that's a) jailing and b) banning.
I'm not about to punish someone for sitting around online, when I do it so often too. I don't see it as a bad thing, either.
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Post by Anakin »

kiri wrote:
Anakin wrote:There are only two ways that I can think of which can effectively eliminate the anti-void trigger and that's a) jailing and b) banning.
I'm not about to punish someone for sitting around online, when I do it so often too. I don't see it as a bad thing, either.
Hehe, this is what I meant by my first post. ;P
It's amazing that the amount of news that happens in the world everday always just exactly fits in the newspaper.
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