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Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2003 6:53 pm
by Anakin
It doesn't say in 'help taint' or I just didn't read it more if Taint only misses a lot with BS. Or does it miss at the same rate with regular attack?
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2003 4:06 am
by Everybody
Taint misses at the same rate as an untainted attack for any normal attack. BS is a special case as follows - backstabs are inherently undodgeable/unparryable (this comes from sneaking up on the opponent in the first place)... for whatever reason, if you backstab with a tainted weapon, the attack becomes parry/dodgeable. Therefore, tainted BS's miss a lot more than untainted ones, while not affecting normal combat in any way.
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2003 12:09 pm
by Slart
"That's not a bug, that's a feature!"
Seriously, though, I went to fix this very issue quite some time ago, but found that it just made kender WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY too easy. Allow me to illustrate:
The backstab damage multiplier is 2 + (level / 8). At level 40, your backstab does seven times normal damage. This multiplier kicks in (for some INSANE reason I have never understood well enough to be comfortable changing it) AFTER damroll is added. So if you have a typical level 40 weapon with average damage of, say, 24, and a damroll of, say, 90, your backstab does (24+90) * 7 = 114 * 7 = 798 damage, well into the damp range, and more than half the hit points that an average level 40/41 mob would have.
The taint multiplier is 2.5. A tainted backstab would thus average:
798 * 2.5 = 1995 damage. This would pretty much kill any mob less than level 46 or 47 or so, unless it was affected by sanctuary. It wouldn't take a genius to level very very quickly when the mobs can't fight back.
So, we left it alone. You can try the tainted backstab, but you risk getting NO backstab. It seems to balance out better.
Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2003 3:35 pm
by Stars
I always made it a habit to flee when my tainted bs didn't go in. Sure, it takes a few swipes sometimes, but one hit kills are worth it. I've said it before, and I'll say it again...
Kender are too powerful.
Posted: Mon Jun 09, 2003 5:11 am
by disaster
hehehe when i was reheroing i always made sure to have a supply of poniards, canes, spikes, etc. with the HUGE hit bonus from avatar eq and tyrael/council spells, tainted bs hit nearly every time (of course, as a rehero, it really doesn't matter, it's the difference between a 1 round kill and a 0.5 round kill, but it sure was fun