This is a forum where you can ask Kiri anything. She will answer to the best of her ability. Others may answer as well, but Kiri will try to answer all reasonable questions. Do not feel limited by topic.
Think of a shell account as a Windows Command Prompt on a remote computer.
Shell accounts are accounts on a remote computer. Typically they are limited so you do not have total contol over the computer. Usually they are on a Unix or Linux system. They used to come with your account at most ISPs. Now they are the exception rather than the rule.
Some places sell just shell access. Check out Google's directory for some links and info.
i feel soo dumb at the moment, but i know NOTHING about unix. And i managed to find a free shell account online offered through java applet (at least i hope it's the correct thing ) Well if anyone could possible "coach" me on how to connect it would be greatly appreciated, cause i hate not connecting at school