The Return of the Newsletter and How To Subscribe

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The Return of the Newsletter and How To Subscribe

Post by Bluestar »

Hey Guys,

As some of you may have noticed, either via email or the new post on the forums here, the newsletter is indeed back.

What we did (to be fair, what Scavenger did and I just helped test) was take the old mailing list that Kiri gave him, and update what we could, then subscribe all the old email addresses to the new mailing list.

We sent out the newsletter on Wednesday and only had a handful of them get bounced back to us. That is really quite excellent in my opinion! :)

However, if you did not receive a copy of the newsletter via email, that means you aren't subscribed. If you would like to get a copy, just shoot an email to and follow the instructions in the email that comes back to you.

It's super easy, and if you ever want to take yourself off, or adjust settings, it's really simplistic to do.

I have big shoes to fill with these newsletters, so if you have any suggestions, send me an email at

Feedback is always welcomed :)

Again, the email to join the mailing list is:
~Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.~

-Ralph Waldo Emerson-
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